Àliter Group participates in this research project for the development of photovoltaic technologies
A consortium made up of eight companies, including the Àliter Group, and four research centers is developing the FOTO-CER project, which aims to develop photovoltaic coatings on ceramic facades and roofs based on the integration of highly transparent and optical quality devices, that allow electricity to be generated directly from the building envelopes.
The new guidelines, referring to the improvement of energy efficiency proposed by the European Commission, oblige the EU countries to transform their energy generation system, focusing more and more on renewable energies. The revision of the Directive on renewable energy sources increases the target contribution of non-emitting sources to 40% in 2030. In addition, specific objectives are proposed in transport, air conditioning, buildings and industry. In this context, the development of photovoltaic technologies that can be easily integrated into urban applications will play a decisive role in the coming years.
With the development of the project, the aim is to overcome the aesthetic impact barrier of photovoltaic elements arranged in urban facades, since they are opaque devices and normally black or gray, achieving the first ceramic tiles that develop photovoltaic capacity in the finishing layers. surface without altering the properties.
The project combines the efforts of the following eight companies belonging to different sectors and distributed throughout the national territory: Keraben Group, Aliter Grup Renovables, Cerámica la Escandella, Ecopol Tech, Navarra Mechanical Engineering, Tex Works and Services, Kerafrit and Lenz Instruments; collaborating in close synergy with the following four research centres: Lurederra Technological Centre, Jaume I University (UJI), Catalan Energy Research Institute Foundation (IREC) and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).
This FOTO-CER project has been subsidized by the CDTI, which receives the support of the Ministry of Science and Innovation and is financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU - through the measures included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.